I am a Licensed Professional Counselor and I provide individual and family counseling to adolescents and adults to address depression, anxiety, life changes, anger, mood disorders, and relationship problems.
I completed my undergraduate studies in Psychology at Winston- Salem State University and completed my graduate studies in Mental Health and Community Counseling at Hampton University. I have experience working with Intensive In-Home Services, Life Skill Coaching, and Crisis Intervention and Stabilization services with both private agencies and the Community Service Board. I believe that everyone has the ability to change or expand their character with the right tools and strategies to excel in life. If you have been struggling with fluctuation in mood, struggling to manage anger and frustrations, experiencing life changes that may cause anxiety or depression or are experiencing some challenges within relationships, I believe that I will be able to assist you with adapting to change, being able to address adversity, and develop the best you.
I enjoy helping individuals determine what changes they want to make within themselves and their environment and how to do so successfully. Therapy should be collaborative and a safe space for individuals to decrease problematic symptoms and improve interpersonal functioning. Although there is no perfect time to start therapy, taking the first step by contacting me, is the first step in the right direction.
“Everything I’m not makes me Everything I am”